Pegasus Airlines
Pegasus Airlines is a Turkish low cost airline. Due to the complexity of airline operations, the airline may announce cancellations, delays or overbooking.
European regulation CE 261/2004 protects passengers from disturbances that may occur. The company abides by the regulations for any departure from an EU airport.
The tool below is an effective solution that allows travelers to enjoy quality work and receive compensation quickly.
A cancellation or a delay at Pegasus Airlines?
First of all, we need to know the causes: the company is not responsible for delays or cancellations caused by extraordinary circumstances.
In case of last minute cancellation or cancellation caused by a crew strike or a technical problem (that the company could control), you are entitled to compensation between € 250 and € 600.
Travelers are also entitled to assistance with accommodation and transportation if necessary.
Flight re-routing will be offered as well as the choice of reimbursement.
Overbooking ... Refusal to board
If the traveler is denied boarding voluntarily or involuntarily, he will be entitled to one rerout to the destination on another flight or the refund.
In this case, travelers are entitled to assistance as for the delay.
Travelers are protected by European regulations, and can claim compensation up to 600 €.
The delay
The company must provide assistance to its passengers (meals, two communications and accommodation with transportation) depending on the waiting time at the airport.
The delay of three hours or more entitles travelers to claim compensation of up to € 600.
Missed Connecting Flight
Passengers are entitled to compensation of up to € 600 in the case for any delay of three hours or more (calculated on arrival) but the company is not responsible for delays caused by an exceptional condition.
Arriving late at the airport leads travelers to miss their connections! If the same company takes care of all the flights, the traveler will have the right to a re-routing towards the destination and right to the assistance also.
In the case of several companies, the traveler could pay a fee to exchange the flight with the company not responsible for the flight!