The strike of the security officers can cause delays or cancellations … it is important to know your rights in order to know what to do in this kind of situation …
What is the role of the security officers?
The airport security officer must provide access control to the airport for passengers, airport staff, crews … in other words, anyone entering the airport.
In addition to baggage at the inspection station with filtering on the carpet of the X-ray machine, he also searches (in some cases) the luggage. Its mission is to prevent the introduction of suspicious persons or objects that could threaten the security of the airport.
Generally speaking, the unions of the airport security agents demand salary upgrades and improved working conditions when they resort to strike action. The duration of this one can last days, it will depend on the duration of the negotiations.
A flight disrupted by the strike the security agents? What to do?
In this case, you must contact your airline at the airport or through its Internet site, in order to gather as much information as possible to help you in the process to follow.
This information would be useful if your flight is delayed or canceled.
Passenger rights in the event of a strike by the security agents
The flight may be disrupted because of the strike of the security officers who is statutorily the staff of the airport and not your airline, and even if the cause was an internal strike (pilots, cabin crew, etc.), or extraordinary circumstances, it should be noted that passengers are protected by the European Regulation.
This bylaw provides for pick-up at any airport for 2 hours and more, including: refreshment, meals, communications, and accommodation if your case requires it.
If your flight exceeds 5 hours, you can ask that you get your ticket back.
Claim compensation … is it possible?
In the event of a theft impacted by this strike, it is unfortunate to state that the airline is not considered liable, and is exempted from paying compensation to passengers.
it is an extraordinary circumstance, which escapes the control of the airline, unlike the internal strike within it, the only case the European regulation imposes the payment of compensation in case of disruption of your flight .
Airport security officers play an important role in maintaining airport and passenger security, from receiving passengers to boarding the plane. In the event of a strike, which affects your flight, the airline is required to assist you only, and is not liable for compensation.